What You Ladies Are Experiencing…
“It all begins with a commitment to yourself.
To prioritize yourself, to take care of yourself and to do what you need to do to finally look and feel your best ”
— Calm Body Collective
“Thank you so much again cheyenne, you really did change my life!
I started working with Chey after months of not loving how i looked and was ready for a change. I was busy with graduate school and didn’t think it was possible to get back on track.
She got me back on track almost right away and I started seeing changes after 1 week!! I am eating more food than ever and still losing weight!
In just 4 months I lost 9 inches off my waist and over 15 pounds! I’ve also starting gaining noticeable muscle in my arms and glutes.
She is not focused on just workouts and diet, she incorporates lifestyle and any physical/mental health issues going on. She was always there if i needed ANYTHING and was continuously motivating and pushing me throughout my day! I’m so thankful for her and for getting me back on track! I cannot recommend her enough!
Jessica G
“CHEY you have truly changed my life”
You have truly CHANGED MY LIFE. I have learned so much from you. These little things I do as part of my now every day routine have never made me feel or look better in my life. The morning cold plunges, the salt packets, actually EATING and not being so scared of food or calories, prioritizing my protein, walking every day, my workouts, and my sleep protocol. Every little thing I learned from you. SO THANK YOU again.
-Lexie Baughman
“I owe you my firstborn child lol This changed my life.”
This experience has not only given me tools to transform on the outside, but even more importantly has balanced my hormones, cortisol, improved my gut health and improved my mindset with personalized and empathetic support throughout. Literally changed my life.
“This program was more than a diet and workout plan, it was legit COUNSELING lol”
I’m seriously so thankful for my time in your program! Learning the science behind my ups and down and that food is not and never was the enemy has been literally life changing!!! This program was more than a diet and workout plan it was legit COUNSELING to help me reset my mind and I’m forever thankful.